When you find your account under attack at 4 a.m., it's an emergency. You have to take immediate action, or you will never get another chance to change your password. It's time to get serious. If you don't have the power of foresight, the best way to circumvent an attack is to be prepared for it. It's never too early or late to take action and protect your account with a strong, difficult-to-crack password. Here are some tips for choosing a security that will outsmart any attacker: 1) Use numbers and symbols when creating your password; these add length and complexity when compared with letters alone; 2) Use mixed case letters when composing your password; 3) Try and use at least 8 characters (including symbols); 4) Include a number in your password (i.e., My3am1stP@ssword). 1) Once you have created your password, be sure to store it in a safe location. 2) Make it easy for yourself to remember by using some sort of mnemonic device. 3) Change your password periodically.
Visit http://www.animal-jam.com/password-cracker/my3am1stp/ and select "My First Password" to see real-time information on the number of failed attempts and the number of characters used so far. The times shown are for attempts across all platforms: PC, Mac and mobile devices. You can also monitor the progress of attacks by visiting http://www.animal-jam.com/password-cracker/. Visit http://www.animal-jam.com/password-cracker/my3am1stp (called "Button Cracking") and enter your password to see how many attempts it takes before you are locked out of your account. A temporary solution developed by the Animal Jam team to reduce the number of failed login attempts made via animal jam game passphrase cracking software (e.g., Thealltheweb (TATW)) that are being made on accounts that have 4 or 5 character passwords). The fix, which was released on November 10, 2013, was based on a method used by password crackers since 2011 called "tetration". It simply removes all repeated digits from the password. Following the release of the tetration fix, the Animal Jam Team has stated they will continually monitor and add fixes when they become available. The tetration fix is only a temporary solution and does not address the core issue: passwords with 4 or fewer characters. Short passwords are easy to crack and create a dangerous situation in which animal jam accounts become vulnerable to malicious hacking.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): All versions of AJAX support basic HTTP authentication, with two exceptions: 1) Adobe Flash Player does not support HTTP authentication.
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